"The sacraments must be our path back to Jesus because they are the only path wide enough for us to walk as a community."
—David F. Turnbloom, "Sacraments: The Road Back to Christ"
It is our privilege to celebrate the sacraments as a community here at St. Catherine's. Please contact the Parish Office at 257-2493 or [email protected] with any questions about sacramental celebrations or preparation.
Baptisms are celebrated during our weekend liturgies, or at other times as requested. Parents participate in a preparation program prior to baptism. Please contact the Parish Office three months prior to the desired baptism date to begin the scheduling process. Adults wishing to be baptized into the Catholic Church should please contact the Parish Office at 607-257-2493 or [email protected] to learn about the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.). Click here for more information about becoming Catholic.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available on Saturdays from 4–4:45 in the church and by appointment. Children prepare for their First Reconciliation during Youth Faith Formation, generally during the second grade.
Children prepare for their First Eucharist in third grade in Youth Faith formation, after receiving First Reconciliation in second grade.
Middle schoolers prepare for Confirmation by participating in Middle School Youth Ministry and two retreats in seventh and eighth grades. They receive Confirmation after some additional preparation in ninth grade.
Adults who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation, and First Eucharist but have not received Confirmation are encouraged to participate in a short preparation program that takes place in the fall. For more information, please contact the Parish Office at 607-257-2493 or [email protected].
The Church requires a preparation program for the Sacrament of Marriage. To begin the process, please contact the Parish Office at least six months before your desired wedding date.
Anointing of the Sick is available by arrangement through the Parish Office. For emergencies after office hours, please contact Fr. John directly at 607-302-0143.
If you are considering a vocation to religious life, please contact the Diocesan Office of Priesthood at 585-461-2890 or see their website at RocPriest.org for more information on Holy Orders.