We offer many different opportunities to work with and advocate on behalf of the vulnerable in our society. Please contact the Parish Office at 257-2493 if you would like more information about any of the ministries listed below.
Peace & Justice Committee
The Peace & Justice Committee works to help the parish become aware of and understand justice issues in our community and in the wider world. The committee meets monthly to arrange for discussions, movies, activities, and presentations on peace and justice issues; to plan petition and advocacy campaigns; and to arrange collections and service activities, such as our yearly Migrant Worker Dinner for migrant farm workers in our area.
Feed My Starving Children
Ithaca congregations work together to host a MobilePack each September for Feed My Starving Children, a nonprofit organization that handpacks meals specifically formulated for malnourished children and ships the meals to distribution partners worldwide. Thisyear's MobilePack will be held at September 28–October 1 at the National Guard Armory on Hanshaw Road in Ithaca. Volunteers of all ages pack the food in two-hour shifts over a weekend.
Ithaca Kitchen Cupboard
St. Catherine's, as a member of Area Churches Together (ACT), supports the Ithaca Kitchen Cupboard food pantry, located at the Salvation Army Building. We have baskets at each Church entrance to collect donations to the food pantry, and volunteers deliver the donated food weekly. Our parish also staffs the food pantry on the second and fourth Monday of each month.
Clothing Drop-Off Box
We host a clothing drop-off shed in the parking lot. You can bring clothing, shoes, sneakers, belts, purses, linens, pillowcases, blankets, curtains, and stuffed animals to the bin for distribution to relief organizations around the world. Volunteers sort and bag the clothing.
Giving Tree
Each Christmas season our parishioners choose tags on our Giving Tree to provide Christmas gifts for those in need. A team of volunteers organizes the Giving Tree and distributes the gifts.
Soap for Hope
Catholic Charities hosts their annual Soap for Hope drive for personal care items each spring. St. Catherine's collects these items in donation bins in the Church and delivers them to Catholic Charities; our parishioners who are business owners also host donation bins at their workplaces.