Our music ministries are a rich and vital part of our worship together at St. Catherine's. We are blessed by the talents of so many of our parishioners who help us to lift our voices in joyful song.
All are welcome to join our music ministries. Musical training is helpful, but not necessary. Please contact our Director of Liturgical Music, Tyme Baez at [email protected] or 257-2493 to volunteer or for more information.
Adult Choir
Our adult choir sings at either the 9 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. Mass each weekend during the school year and for holidays and holy days of obligation. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings.
The cantor leads the congregation in song. Cantors are scheduled approximately once per month. An audition is required, and training is provided.
Youth Choir
The youth choir sings at the 9 a.m. Mass once or twice a month during the school year. Rehearsals are on Thursday afternoons.
Christmas and Holy Week/Easter Choirs
Rehearsals for these choirs begin about six weeks prior to Christmas and Easter.
Funeral Choir
The funeral choir sings at weekday and weekend funerals celebrated here at St. Catherine's.
We welcome instrumentalists to add to our piano and organ accompaniment during both weekly Masses and special occasions.