We welcome you to become involved in our celebration of the liturgy. We provide training for each of the ministries listed below; see News and Events or the bulletin for updates on when trainings are being offered. Schedules are prepared in advance, and you have the opportunity to select Mass times to serve and to specify times when you are not available. The liturgical minister schedule is available here.
For more information about any of these ministries, please contact Lisa in the Parish Office at [email protected] or 257-2493.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
All who have been confirmed are welcome to join this ministry to distribute Communion at weekend or holy day Masses.
Altar Servers
All who have received their First Communion are welcome to become altar servers to help the priest on the altar.
Hospitality Ministers
All ages are welcome for this ministry. Hospitality ministers greet people as they arrive, distribute bulletins and Magnifikid booklets, and assist newcomers and people in need. See the Hospitality Minister Guidelines for more information.
All ages are welcome to proclaim the Scriptures at weekend or holy day Masses.
Sacristans set up for Mass and assist with cleanup after Mass.
We welcome all who would like to help keep the bathrooms clean and sanitized after each Mass; this is a great ministry for families to do together.
In addition to these ministries, volunteers also help with other tasks that prepare our space for worship: dropping off and picking up Church linens from the dry cleaner; washing altar server robes and other liturgical supplies; watering the plants in the Church; and more. Please contact the office at [email protected] if you would like to help with any of these tasks.