First Eucharist
"As He sat at the table with his disciples, He took bread, blessed it, and broke it. He gave it to his disciples, saying 'Take this, all of you, and eat of it, for this is my body, which will be given up for you.'" Eucharist is the source and summit of our Christian life, and the act of thanksgiving, a sacrifice offered, a meal shared, a communion with one another and with Christ. Being welcomed to the table of the Eucharist is also a joyous step in the journey into our Catholic faith and the community of believers.
Preparation for First Eucharist is generally done in the second grade. Before preparing for one of these sacraments, the child should already be enrolled in our Children’s Faith Formation program. You can enroll in Children's Faith Formation here.
Preparation for First Eucharist will begin in March 2024.
For questions about this sacrament, please contact Rich Rasmussen at [email protected] or 257-2493.