St. Thomas Aquinas referred to Confirmation as a sacrament of maturity. So some people think Confirmation makes you an adult in the Church. It does not. Some think it means they have completed their religious education. It does not.
The maturity that St. Thomas Aquinas referred to was not about adulthood but about a higher awareness of our faith. Most Catholics are baptized as infants at their parents’ request. The parents want God to be part of the child’s life from an early age. As the child grows, they develop their own awareness of God and faith. They begin to think for themselves and to come to faith on a personal level.
While Confirmation comes with readiness associated with this maturity, it does not mean we have learned all we need to learn about our faith. There is always more knowledge to learn, and there are always new situations that arise during one’s lifetime that we need to make decisions about with our faith in mind.
Students wishing to be confirmed must be enrolled either in a Catholic school or in Middle School Youth Ministry. Confirmation topics are integrated into the Middle School Youth Ministry sessions. You can register for Middle School Youth Ministry here.
Confirmation in the Diocese of Rochester is a two-year process beginning no sooner than 7th grade.
Confirmation sponsors must be fully initiated practicing Catholics, at least 16 years old, and have no canonical impediments to serving as a sponsor.
For questions about this sacrament, please contact Rich Rasmussen at [email protected] or 257-2493.
7th Grade Youth Ministry Schedule
8th Grade Youth Ministry Schedule